Make-over of the week: Silver or light blue eyeshadow, light pink blusher, light pink lipstick/creamy coloured lipgloss.

Hair do of the week: Two low bunches.

Foxy's outfit of the week: White polo neck, tight white trousers, white yeti boots.

Hey there! Let me introduce myself to you, I'm Foxy and you've either come here for a quick checking out, or you need a serious makeover and change of wardrobe! Anyway, stick around if you can! Let's begin!

Tip number one: Never! Ever under under and circumstances wear a neon orange jacket/cardigan with anything light blue! Boy do those colours clash! I don't really know if anyone will actually have a neon orange coloured jacket/cardigan, but in case you do, be aware of what that colour can do to you! Anyhow, if you wear a plain white vest top with army trousers and flip flops you can look great!

I'm aware that as it is school, some of you may have a school uniform so it's kinda hard to look good during school times, but hey! There's always weekends! And you can always get re-dressed after school, and go shopping with girlfriends! But here's my ( Foxy's) next tip...

Tip number two: If you're gonna wear 2 high bunches either side of your head, make sure they're even, like, level. Y'know? But I checked out a whole new hair do that's incredibly easy, yet looks great! You have 2 bunches, but instead of having them high up, you have them both really low down by your cheeks and shoulders. It looks so cute, but not babyish! The hair scrunchie/elastic needs to be low down as well , but not so much that your hair comes loose!

You might know already, but I have a 7 year old sister called Gemini. She's soooo totally annoying! Her fashion sense is quite cute though! Her fave outfit is her Tuesday outfit! She wears a yellow tank top with a red heart on it on top of a green t-shirt and wears a light pink skirt/ tutu type thing. She totally digs fairies and has a whole collection of wands and fairy wings!

But me, well? I love pink! I wear a dark pink strapless top on Tuesdays with a black corduroy miniskirt and flower pattern fishnets, with my fave white buffalo trainers! I also like to keep my hair in a neat little bun with the help of chopsticks! I've said way too much and next I'll be telling you the rest of my wardrobe timetable! Well, I'll probably tell you the rest one day, but step by step...WEEKLY!

Tip number three: Leopard skin trousers are sooooooooooooooo! out of fashion! I was wearing that kinda thing at the age of 6! But now? NOOOOOO! I wouldn't be seen dead wearing them anymore! Yuck! If they were tight, corduroy and then flared at the bottom, I may consider. It's also a matter of footwear though. I mean, you could wear kitten heels with most things, but they can look really odd with flared mini skirts! Believe me! You should see the looks you get! I've been through all these crises and that's how I know! I have experienced!

Anyway, I'll see ya round! Remember everything and by the way, Any day that's the 14th of anything is bad luck! But maybe not Valentines Day. Bye!